Federal Complaint Resolution Procedures

Dear Portage Area Parents and Family Members,

The Portage Area School Board adopted the following Federal Complaint Resolution Procedures. Title I regulations require that a copy of these regulations be provided to you. In addition, the procedures are also available on the school website.

Please feel free to contact me with me with any questions or concerns.


Eric. A Zelanko
Portage Area School District

Portage Area School District Complaint Resolution Procedures for Federal Programs


A “complaint” is a written, signed statement filed by an individual or an organization. It must include:

  • A statement that the school district has violated a requirement of federal statues or regulations which apply to the programs under the Every Student Succeeds Act.  
  • The facts on which the statement is based  
  • Information on any discussions, meeting, or correspondence with PDE or the school district regarding the complaint.

  1. Referral- Complaints regarding the Portage Area School District Title I program or other federal programs should be directed to the superintendent. 
  2. Acknowledgement- The superintendent will acknowledge the receipt of the complaint in writing  
  3. Investigation- The superintendent will investigate the complaint  
  4. Opportunity to Present Evidence- the superintendent, at his or her discretion, may provide for the complainant to present evidence and may include the opportunity for each side to provide statements or ask questions.   
  5. Report and Recommend Resolution- Once the superintendent has finished any investigation and taking of evidence, he or she will prepare a final report with a recommendation for resolving the complaint, the nature of the complaint, a summary of the investigation, recommended resolution, and the reasons for the recommendations. The superintendent will issue the report to the complaint and the necessary district personnel.   
  6. Follow up- The superintendent will ensure that the resolution of the complaint is implemented.   
  7. Time Limit- The period between PASD’s receipt of a complaint and its resolution shall not exceed sixty (60) calendar days.   
  8. Extension of Time Limit- The superintendent may extend the 60-day time limit if exceptional circumstances exist with respect to the particular complaint.  
  9. Right to Appeal- The complainant may appeal the final resolution to the State Education Agency.