High School Library

Portage Area Junior-Senior High School Library
The Portage Area High School Library is home to approximately 10,000 volumes, approximately 40 different periodicals, and 25 workstations with internet access. As a member of Access Pennsylvania, the library can borrow books from more than 3,000 other school, college and public libraries across the commonwealth at no charge to the patron. The library is also a member of the Power Library electronic database providing free instant access to thousands of photographs and articles from magazines, encyclopedias and other reference sources.
Library Science Classes
Students in grades 7 attend library science classes for one marking period. The younger students study the basics of using the school and other libraries: the different types of library materials, the location of various items, the use of call numbers and the electronic card catalog.
For articles from trusted magazines, newspapers, reference books and other sources, visit Pennsylvania's Power Library website, available through the Portage Public Library's website (click the Power Library icon at left). You will need the barcode number from one of the public library's borrower's cards as your password.
More Information
Vivian Herman
814-736-9636 ext. 1350
Portage High School Library
85 Mountain Ave.
Portage, PA 15946